I am taking a class called Health 4000. In this class we have to have a Lincs agency where we dedicate at least 40 volunteer hours to a place of our choice. I chose the Carlton County Public Health Services office. This coming week will be my first time working with them and there are a couple important events that I will be attending that I would like to talk about. The first event will take place on Wednesday, October 6th. This is the Moose Lake Fit City Day. Fit City Day is an event where they promote being active. Some fun things that will happen during this is you can take a walk with the mayor of Moose Lake, listen to two guest speakers, and receive discounts from local businesses. This event starts at 5:30 and it should be a lot of fun. Below I attached the poster if you would like to take a look and get more information.
Moose Lake's Fit City Day
I am also attending another event on Saturday, October 9th. This is the Suicide Awareness Memorial Walk. Carlton County is the fifth highest county in Minnesota for suicide attempts so this is a very important event for this community. Registration begins at 9:30 at the Four Seasons if you would like to join. This event consists of walking down the main street in Cloquet, then down highway 45, and finishes up on Munger Trail. The walk should only take approximately 30 minutes so if you are free come join us! :) Below I also attached the website flyer if you would like to take a look.
Suicide Awareness Memorial Walk
- Advocacy Project (6)
- Eco-Chic Lifestyle (6)
- Eye Openers (7)
- Linky Parties (5)
- Read'n'Seed (6)
- Reflections (5)
- Share and Voice (11)
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Share & Voice: Ban Smoking in Public Places

Lately, I have been hearing things about a smoking ban taking place for all public places. After hearing about this I had to check it out. According to the report, Ban Smoking in Public Places, the surgeon general is wanting to ban smoking in the workplace and public places because of the increased rates of secondhand smoke, especially in children. The smoking issue has always been a topic I have been interested in because I am very much against it. It is not fair to those of us who do not smoke to have to breathe it in and have that chance of becoming ill. Also, it is sad when children have parents that smoke because there is nothing they can do to avoid it when they are younger. The surgeon general knows there will be people who do not like this ban but it is only to better the environment and people's health. I would love to hear how others feel about this ban and whether or not you agree with it.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Read'n'Seed 1: Last Child in the Woods

The book I chose is Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv.
This book is about how kids these days no longer like to go out and explore nature. Kids would rather be inside with all of their technology than out exploring. The author, Richard Louv, decided to write this book after his children confronted him about his childhood stories. He would share stories with them about how he would explore nature and attend camp and they were upset they had not got the chance to do the same thing.
Louv, Richard. "Last Child in the Woods." Introduction of book.
I chose this book because it is a current and important topic that needs to be addressed. I am interested in childhood obesity, which is one of the topics they focus on. Children these days do not appreciate nature as much as they should and take it for granted. Their addiction to video games, cell phones, internet, and television is awful. I am hoping to get more information after reading this book.
The first link I found was http://richardlouv.com/. This website is the author, Richard Louv's. It contains information on the Last Child in the Woods and other books he has written. On this site you will be able to find an overview, excerpt, reviews, video, and purchase options for the book.
A second link I found was located at Amazon, http://www.amazon.com/Last-Child-Woods-Children-Nature-Deficit/dp/1565123913 Amazon gives book reviews from many different sources. Some sources are Publishers Weekly, Scientific American, and the general customer. There are also options to buy the book, learn more about the author, find similar books, or to have book discussions.
The third link I found is located in google books. The website is http://books.google.com/books?id=7jxGAw7bJawC&printsec=frontcover&dq=last+child+in+the+woods&source=bl&ots=4qzqWb9ri2&sig=2e_vNUvjT8GAcgXAMUmJJpZekwE&hl=en&ei=ezujTJSGM4XgnAen4ciIBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CEQQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q&f=false This site actually has it where you can preview a lot of the book, read or write reviews, and places where you can buy the book.
In this book there are 336 pages with an introduction and seven parts. I have decided to to read the intro and part I and II (pages 1 to 98) for the first quarter. The second quarter will consist of part III (pages 115 to 145). The third quarter will be parts IV and V (pages 161 to 223). The fourth quarter will be parts VI and VII (pages 233 to 309). I am hoping this set up will work out but because the book is reserved at the UMD library the schedule may change if the book happens to be checked out when I need it.The third link I found is located in google books. The website is http://books.google.com/books?id=7jxGAw7bJawC&printsec=frontcover&dq=last+child+in+the+woods&source=bl&ots=4qzqWb9ri2&sig=2e_vNUvjT8GAcgXAMUmJJpZekwE&hl=en&ei=ezujTJSGM4XgnAen4ciIBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CEQQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q&f=false This site actually has it where you can preview a lot of the book, read or write reviews, and places where you can buy the book.
I am very excited to start reading Last Child in the Woods to see what Richard has to say about this important issue. Keep coming back to check out my Read'n'Seeds to get my opinion on the book!
Image from http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.earthzine.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/lastchildrevised.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.earthzine.org/2008/08/28/saving-our-children-from-nature-deficit-disorder/&usg=__ZwuKX6nPbZB3o19z2PCAxAC1NFk=&h=2544&w=1644&sz=187&hl=en&start=1&sig2=jFuEwk6gNRPCNzP35AGChw&zoom=1&tbnid=xiUPTOr_n-a9cM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=97&ei=YaanTMuZNIb9ngeDleC3DA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlast%2Bchild%2Bin%2Bthe%2Bwoods%26tbnh%3D158%26tbnw%3D102%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26gbv%3D2%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D588%26tbs%3Disch:1,simg:CAISEglS-poYdtTGxSEXfp7zq-RTSg,sit:o&itbs=1 This image may be subject to copyright.
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