- Advocacy (Advocacy Prjoects)
- Healthy People/THOMAS
- Eco-Chic Lifestyle Choices (SMART goal)
- Photo Essays
- Junking
Our SMART goals were another fun project. It was cool seeing how and why everyone picked their goals the way they did. Being able to receive positive feedback and constructive criticism from my groups members really helped me stay on track and become more eco-friendly.
Personally, I had a lot of fun with the photo essay. I was able to go to my friend Emily's farm, which I had wanted to do for a while. It was very exciting to be able to see things like this first hand because it puts things into perspective. It was also fun being able to see what others photo essays were about. I think our junking projects are going to be a lot like the photo essay. We are able to pick or make whatever we want to do and then show the class. I am excited to see what people make with their "junk".
Overall, besides learning a lot of from our eco-chic and advocacy projects, I have learned a lot from my group members. By switching groups and having to post individual messages on each blog I have got to know a lot of people in the class. I have read what others are doing, what interests them, and what they think of what I do. I love posting and reading the comments because then I get others' opinions and suggestions. Blogging is a good way to network, get others' opinions and ideas, and post what is on your mind.
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