For the CSPI eye opener activity I chose to do the
Score Your Diet because I was curious to see what my score would be like. Score your diet asks you how many servings of animals products you eat in a typical week. The categories are pork, chicken/turkey, beef, egg yolks, yogurt/milk, fish, cheese, fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and candies. It also made sure to ask if these products were fat-free, free-range, extra lean, or organic.
These are my grand total scores:
- Health Score=45
- Environmental Score=-26
- Animal Welfare Score=-13
- Uh-Oh=6
My score is pretty low so I think that means I need help!
Some of the foods I scored highest in were milk/yogurt but only when I clicked that I always make sure it is fat-free, low-fat cheese, fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and eating some organic food. I noticed that you got a higher score if you eat foods that are extra-lean, fat-free, organic, or free-range. My highest score was a 30 with fat-free milk and yogurt. Fruit and vegetables followed with scores of 16 and 14.
Some of the lowest scores I received were with milk/yogurt (when I had not clicked fat-free), cheese, beef, and chicken/turkey. My lowest score was a -30 with milk and yogurt. Cheese followed with a score of -28. It is strange how my highest and lowest scores could be the same.
I need to make the biggest change in my environmental score. I never realized how animal products really effect the environment until I took this class and test. What I can do to improve this score is decrease how many animal products I consume. I could lower my score by reducing the intake of diary products and increasing my intake of fruits and vegetables.
I was actually very surprised by my results. My pork, chicken/turkey, and beef scores were very low because I am not a big meat eater so I just assumed my scores would be pretty good. Then I realized I consume a lot of diary products during the week. By consuming less diary and eating more locally grown, organic foods I could definitely increase my scores. After seeing how animal products take away from us and require a lot of upkeep I am considering becoming a vegetarian.