Thursday, October 14, 2010

Share & Voice: BreatheFree UMD

Today, I was thinking about the BreatheFree Policy at UMD so I decided to go check it out. I am very impressed with the page on the UMD website about this. They offer great information from frequently asked questions to smoking cessation resources. Coming from parents who smoked and having asthma I stand firmly on the no smoking policy. I am proud to say my mom has quit and my dad is in the process (He is very lucky he only sees me once in a while otherwise I think he would quit for how annoying I am about it). I do not judge people who do smoke because that is there decision, I just wish for the sake of their health they would quit. Smoke flares up my asthma so I cannot say I miss smelling it outside around UMD. One thing I wish we could increase on though at UMD is enforcing this policy. I still see many kids smoking on campus. Does anyone know what the fine is for smoking on campus? Hopefully within the next couple of years this policy will be in full force to stop those who like to violate it.

1 comment:

  1. Alicia, I too grew up in a house where both my parents smoked and it was absolutely horrible! I've had all kinds of health issues due to second hand smoke, mainly respiratory problems such as bronchitis and phenomnia. I also don't like smelling smoke around campus and hopefully they do crack down more on it. It's great that your mom quit smoking as I've been trying to get my dad to quit smoking forever. Nice post.
