Well folks this is my last blog post....at least for Environmental :( It has been a blast getting to know everyone in class, at least those I did not already know. I have to admit I was not sure about blogging but after doing it I realized it was a lot of fun.
These past 2 weeks have flown by! Here is a recap of what we did:
- Toured Goodwill
- Did our Advocacy letter/fact sheet and online learning activities
- Wrapped up our SMART goals
- Show and Tell of our junking projects
Touring Goodwill was a lot of fun and interesting. I had never been there before this class so I was able to learn a lot. I could not believe how many things they had in the back of the store. It is great so many people donate things. While there I was even able to pick up a cute leopard cardigan!
Our advocacy projects opened up a lot of our eyes to new issues and bills. As I have stated in previous blogs, I had never really participated in government issues but se
eing which bills are trying to be passed was really cool. The bill I focused on was an education act for Emergency Contraception. Not only did I learn a lot of this topic but I hope my blog groups did as well.
After wrapping up our SMART goals I felt such a sense of accomplishment. Being able to succeed at this goal made me feel very good. Along the way I was also able to influence others which was just as important to me. Thanks for all the support from my fellow bloggers! :)
Last, but definitely not least, we did our junking projects. I had the most
fun with this project. It was cool being able to create something from junk and sharing it with the class. My junking project was a wine cork board. It was very easy to make. All I needed was a frame, black paint, hot glue gun, and wine corks. The pictures below are my junking project. Enjoy!
Overall, I learned a lot about myself and the environment. I admit I was a little selfish when it came to the use of the environment. I wouldn't recycle sometimes, never really cared about governmental issues, and used as many resources as I wanted without thinking anything of it. Well now I rethink everything I do. For example, do I really need that bottle of Gatorade or hormone-injected meat....do not think so!! Environmental health opened my eyes to many issues that get swept under the rug....well that rug is rising. It is time to talk and fix these problems before we run out of resources and ruin it for future generations.
Hope everyone has a safe, relaxing break!!!
Picture Source for top picture:This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1923 and 1963 with a copyright notice, and its copyright was not renewed
I loved your Junk project! All the corks added the design onto the board even if the frame was simply just black! Do the corks still smell good? I learned a lot in this class too and recycling was a big thing in my life but now I do look out for what I buy versus what I already have that I can reuse.