Monday, November 15, 2010

Share & Voice: Test Your Knowledge

Test Your GMO Knowledge

While browsing some of my favorite television shows websites I came across this GMO quiz. I found this quiz on the TLC website. This quiz has some of the same information we have talked about in class and watched in the movies. I am embarrassed to admit I only got 3 out of 10 right! :S.....not very good. Some of the questions are shocking. I would tell you which ones but I do not want to give away any answers. Let me know what you guys think of the quiz and how you did! Good Luck!

Picture Source: By Marvel (Based upon a NASA image, see [1].) [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons


  1. Alicia, I took the quiz and got 6 out of 10. Some of the questions were pretty tough and I actually guessed on some of them. I was a bit shocked that the first genetically modified food wasn't until the 90's as I figured it would've been sooner. I also thought that corn was the first modified food and not tomatoes. Overall the quiz was quite interesting and I learned a thing or two about genetically enhanced foods. Nice post.

  2. I got four out of ten but I did not really know all of those answers even! How embarrassing!?! I was really shocked at how recently GMOs were introduced in our society and how many had been approved for sale. This was pretty crazy and shocking to me. For such a short amount of time, there have been tons of approved GMOs and I'm sure there are even more that are unapproved. I will be sharing this link with my family and friends.

  3. I only got 4 out of 10 correct! Whoops! I guess I thought I knew more about GMOs but looks like I am pretty clueless. I was super shocked that 89% of products are genetically modified in America. Thanks for sharing this quiz!

  4. Good thing I didn't get graded on this- I got 3 out of 10. Still, I'm really glad you posted this quiz because it helped refresh my memory of a lot of the things we learned in class that I must have somehow forgotten, strangely enough. This info about GMO's is really shocking but good to know. Great post

  5. Holy cow, I only got 3 out of 10! Now seeing everyone else's results though I'm not AS embarrassed. Eek! I really can't stand that chances are most of the fresh produce I eat is genetically modified. What a great quiz, I really enjoyed that they gave us the answer and a little quip of info, too! Thanks for sharing!!

  6. Ish! i took the quiz and scored 2 out of ten-- I thought for I was going to get the majority of them right. This just goes to show that the general public knows very little about GMOs and i think this is probably not a good thing.
