Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Share & Voice: Wake Up to Reality

I was looking on youtube and came across this video, Wake Up to Reality. I thought this video did a great job summing up some of the issues we are facing today. We need to realize what we do today not only affects us but everyone around us. I know in Dr. V's class this week she brought up the acronym, NIMBY, Not In Our Back Yard. I know of a lot of people that live by this. If they do not have to see it or deal with it right now they do not care. That is not the case. Lets do something now to prevent future problems! Hope you enjoy the video below!


  1. Wow, that video was pretty moving. I think most of us have probably been guilty of having the NIMBY concept at some point in our lives. It is great to point out that we should not just turn our backs to an issue just because it isn't directly effecting us. Great video!

  2. This is a really cool video, Alicia. I think we all need to wake up and realize that whatever we do not only effects us, but the entire world. Good find!

  3. Alicia, great video!!! I actually got goosebumps watching it. You are so right in that most people do abide by the not in my backyard and if it's not affecting them who cares. I can't begin to tell you how much this class has opened my eyes to many of these issues and I'm trying my hardest to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Great post!
