Friday, November 12, 2010

Advocacy Project: Healthy People/THOMAS

After looking over the topics in Healthy People 2010 I decided to focus on Family Planning because it is such a controversial issue in the United States. It is very important for family planning agencies to offer emergency contraceptives. The only way to lower the number of unintended pregnancies is to educate those about contraceptive use or abstinence. This area also catches my attention because I think it would be a great job to interact and educate others on precautions to take when or if they want to become sexually active. The specific objective I chose to focus on is to increase the proportion of family planning agencies that offer emergency contraception.

Revised Objective
Increase the proportion of family planning agencies that offer emergency contraception.

Target: 90 percent.

Baseline: 80 percent of family planning agencies offered emergency contraception in 1999.

Target setting method: 13 percent improvement.

Data source: The Alan Guttmacher Institute.

Update on the progress:
According to the Progress Quotient Chart, this objective has actually moved away from its target of 90 percent. Between 1999 and 2003 it had actually moved away from the target by 10 percent.
9-5. Emergency contraception provided by family planning agencies (1999, 2003)
-10% - Moved away from target

The progress has been moving away from the target so more effort needs to be put toward this goal.

I was also not able to find any information about the disparities or opportunities and challenges.

Emerging Issues: It is hard to know when a person feels the pregnancy was intended or unintended. Using feelings towards pregnancy is a better way to understand how the women or couple feels about contraceptives and birth care. They are also questioning how you can decide what "pregnancy preparation" really means.

39. H.R.5561 : Emergency Contraception Education Act of 2010
Sponsor: Rep Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [NY-28] (introduced 6/17/2010) Cosponsors (30)
Committees: House Energy and Commerce
Latest Major Action: 6/17/2010 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

Recommendation: Vote yes for H.R. 5561Emergency Contraception Education Act of 2010. Everyone should be educated on the advantages and disadvantages of emergency contraception. This is also a way to regulate unplanned pregnancies to women who are not ready for children.

My political representatives: Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken

Source for picture: This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 France License. You are free: to share or to remix


  1. I like this one a lot and I don't think you will have much trouble finding controversy around this issue. It is hard to determine some of the issues surrounding pregnancy and pregnancy planning. Hopefully we can turn this around and start to move toward the objective.

  2. I agree that Family Planning is a big issue in our society. With a little extra effort, I hope we can start moving toward our target instead of away!

  3. This is a great issue to focus on! Sexual health is a hot issue in society and needs to be paid more attention to!

  4. This is a great issue to focus on! I can think of a few issues that may arise and I'm playing the devil's advocate (hehe we're talking about advocacy). There may be opposition to the fact that emergancy contraceptives have a more negative view in society than regular birth control and its a safe bet that Republicans won't agree with that. Also some people, i'm sure, will argue that more funding needs to go towards education on sexual health. But as far as I'm concerned as a health educator, Im supportive of the current efforts!

  5. Awesome choice of objective, Alicia. Family planning and particularly contraception is becoming much more prevalent in our society and there needs to be adequate information, education AND resources to support the people who need it.

  6. Very interesting, useful, and possibly controversial topic/goal. Like Molly stated above there would probably be opposition to the bill but I agree that more needs to be done to educate on sex education as a whole. Having more planning agencies and resources is a very good idea in my opinion and you're right that there would probably be less unplanned pregnancies because of it. Very interesting bill/topic and I'm interested to see what kinds of info you find relating to this topic. Nice post.
