Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1: My SMART Goal

For our Eco-Chic blog this week we need to create a SMART goal. A SMART goal is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. My SMART goal for the next 10 weeks is:

I will only eat 3 servings (serving= 3 oz) of hormone-free, grass-fed meat, per week.

This lifestyle change is Eco-Chic because eating hormone-free, grass fed meat is the best for you and the environment. Farmers that raise these kind of animals are doing it the natural way. Instead of injecting growth hormones and other additives into these animals to increase their production, they are producing the amount they were born to make. I also hope to buy my meat locally to help local farms make a profit.

I chose this particular behavior because I do not eat meat that often but when I do I want to make sure it is in its natural form. I think the goal of three servings of meat a week will be a good way for me to eat less meat while still choosing the more natural product. I chose to do this because I usually prefer soy-based meats to real meat but I have my cravings. Changing this actual behavior is important to me because I know I can do it. I do not like how some farms and industries are taking care of their animals. It sickens me to know that a lot of the meat I have ate in my lifetime has been pumped with hormones and other additives. I think this change will be easier to make because all of the meat-free or hormone-free options now given at restaurants and in grocery stores. The only problems I may encounter are how to find these hormone-free, grass fed products because I have never taken the time to look before. I also hope the cost is isn't too overwhelming!

I will start this change today, Wednesday November 10th. Wish me luck! :)

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1 hosted by Amy@Amy in the Rain

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  1. Awesome SMART goal Alicia! I actually might do something very similar to your goal, since I tend to eat alot of processed meat (especially in my daily sandwiches at lunch). Good Luck over the next 10 weeks! =)

  2. I like this goal a lot! I also changed my eating habits for my SMART goal (no more dairy for me). Good luck these next few weeks- I'm excited to read about your progress!

  3. Alicia, nice smart goal choice. Choosing natural food choices and alternatives is very environmentally friendly. I'm sure we're all guilty of eating plenty of hormone injected foods but by learning about where our foods come from we can make wiser decisions in the future. I agree with you that the treatment of animals on some farms and companies is very saddening and uncalled for. I hope you achieve your goal and I wish you luck along the way. Nice post.

  4. Alicia, I love your goal and I commend you for your choice. It is great to see that all of us are doing REALISTIC and ATTAINABLE goals. I am glad that you acknowledged that you have cravings because we all probably do. It will be interesting to follow you on this ten week journey. Can't wait!

  5. Alicia, this is a great SMART goal! I too find it hard to completely cut meat out of my diet so making the switch to local, hormone free meat is totally the way to go! Good luck!

  6. This is a great goal! The reasons you are doing it are all good too! I try not to think about where my meat comes from but if I do Id like to think it was from a happy cow, chicken, turkey, sheep, buffalo ect.. This goal not only helps you be healthier it helps the enviroment!
