Thursday, November 11, 2010

Share & Voice: Whole Foods Co-Op

Many of you are going to be surprised but I have NEVER been to the Whole Foods Coop....I know very sad. Since I have never been there I decided to check their website out before I make my trip there next week. Their website has many things to offer, they have coupons, recipes, newsletters, membership information, local artist information, their mission, employment opportunities, and class and meeting info. I never realized they did as many things as they do. I just figured they were another "health store". I overlooked their class schedule and it looks like a lot of fun. They offer classes called, Preserving your Garden, Pizza-From Scratch, Gluten-Free Baking, Healing with Homeopathy: Remedies for First Aid, and etc. If you have never been there like me take a trip soon because I hear they have some amazing products. Also, if you have some time checkout their website.

I would also love to hear some feedback about those who have been there before. Did you like it? Is the food very expensive? Or anything you would like to say :) Thanks!

Source for image:


  1. I love Whole Foods! I don't regularly shop there but usually I go to get my fix of dried fruit and trail mix. Similar to the website, they have a kiosk at Whole Foods where you can type in any food item and it will give you lists of recipes with that food. I love going through it for ideas. I guess I would say the food I buy is not that expensive, but I only buy a limited supply there. I'll have to pay more attention next time I go.

  2. Alicia, I also went to Whole Foods for the first time just a few weeks ago! It's sooooo cool! I didn't realize they offered classes and events listed on their website, I'll have to check that out. Thanks for the info!

  3. Yay for Whole Foods! I personally have only walked through this establishment one time. I would really like to go through and check it out again. Thanks for the link to their website!

  4. I really enjoy perusing the Whole Foods Co-op, although I'd say you definitely have to be a savvy consumer to shop there. They do tend to overcharge for some products, but for others they actually give pretty good deals compared to most other grocery stores. I'd recommend shopping the frozen food section!

  5. Oh Alicia, I know Im a little slow on commenting but I hope you liked the co-op! It is honestly a store that I could spend an hour in there are so many interesting thing there and half the time I go I walk out with $50 in groceries that I have no idea what they are. I know that im getting natural if not organic foods and I know that variety in ones diet does the body good so happy shopping!

    P.S. I think its expencive and you still have to watch for sodium content and if you are going for organic USDA is the label you want to look for just as an FYI.

  6. Alicia, I haven't been to the new Whole Foods Co-Op store but I was there about 4 or 5 years ago when it was located where Burrito Union is now. I would definitely like to take a trip there soon because I've heard a lot of great things about the place. I'm glad you liked it, they seem to have a lot of interesting stuff going on there from what you mentioned above. Nice post.
