Sunday, November 28, 2010

Eye Opener: Photo Essay

For my Photo Essay I decided to visit a sixty acre farm called Sheperd's Homestead located in Oulu, Wisconsin. It is owned by Larry and Margie Falter, my friend Emily's parents. I chose to visit their farm for many reasons. One day I was talking to my friend Emily about this assignment because I wanted to do something I would enjoy. She ended up telling me about her family farm and it really caught my attention. They raise their own animals and eat what their animals produce. I asked her if there were any days she had free to make the 60 mile drive to visit. We chose this past Saturday to make the drive. It was awesome meeting with her family and seeing all of the different things they do to make ends meet. Some of the things they do on the farm are:
  • Raise grass-fed beef cattle (Hay and grain during the Winter)
  • Raise chickens ( 2 separate types)- Eat the eggs and meat they produce
  • Harvest a garden during summer months-sell produce to people in the community (There are 2 gardens)
  • Use products produced on farm (grind grain to make flour, drink milk from dairy cows)
  • Have sheep-eat meat; sell wool (Biggest seller on the farm for the meat)
  • Make homemade applesauce/cider, spaghetti sauce, yogurt, bread, salsa, pickles
  • Excess products get canned during winter months; eat fresh during summer months

Farm Fresh Eggs

Ground Beef from their farm

Fresh Bread made from the grain produced in the field

Homemade Yogurt and Strawberry Jam

Milk from the neighbor's dairy cow and container used to hold the milk

Layer Hens in their coop

Beef Cows eating their hay

Sheep in the hay bed


  1. Nice photos, Alicia. One of my friends lives on a farm and had me try goat's milk for breakfast. Let's just say it wasn't my most favorite thing to drink. I am glad you were brave enough to try the yogurt. And can I just say i LOVE the cows.

  2. This looked like it would have been a fun trip to make! How awesome that they grow and harvest all of their food on their own farm. Thanks for sharing these photos!

  3. Alicia, awesome photo essay! It's really cool to see your friend's family living off the land and what their animals provide. It's also nice to see that they feed their animals naturally and they treat them the proper way. The photos were also very nice to look at. Great job!

  4. Nice pics of the farm, Alicia! It's awesome that they even make their own yogurt! I've heard that's quite the process! Fresh eggs and milk are my favorite! Yum! Thanks for sharing!
